Friday, June 25, 2004

Pissed off

Not only was England ROBBED of victory last night, but I had chronic stomach ache all day yesterday, plus I woke up this morning with really bad back ache. I'm not in the best of moods.

It was a perfectly good goal, but the brain dead referee bottled it because the goal was in the last few minutes. What a coincidence that he was Swiss, and we just happened to beat Switzerland a few days ago. Not only that, but he was so blaintantly handing out yellow cards to us, and nothing for the same offences made by the Portuguese. Okay, we didn't play our best football, but we showed spirit, and battled hard, and we fking deserved to win. I'm angry, very angry. ¬¬

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

KotOR II Wallpaper

I scanned this image from the Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine, and made a wallpaper from it, so I thought I'd share it with you all.

Enjoy! =)

Invader Revolution

Invader Zim ROCKS! I love it, and so do the kids. I'm definately gonna buy volume 2. It's a real shame they don't show it over here, I think it would be very popular.

Watched Matrix Revolutions for the second time last night. As I suspected, I liked it more this time around. I think maybe it was the overblown hype that got to me in the cinema, and no matter how good it could of been, it would never have been good enough. Still, it doesn't come close to the first two imo, but it's a lot better than I initially thought. I'm actually quite satisfied with the ending now, but I'm still pissed off that Trinity died. She didn't have to.


Monday, June 21, 2004

A Good Weekend

It was a good weekend for me. Dark Fury arrived in the post, the kids went off to a birthday party on Saturday for the day, and we took advantage of being alone for the first time in weeks, and went to the cinema. Surprisingly enough, even though I've raved about Troy for the last couple of months, I chose to see The Day After Tomorrow instead. I think it's because of the kind of books I've been reading lately have dealt with how the human race can be wiped out at any second, and I knew The Day After tomorrow dealt with that subject, and I quite simply fancied seeing it at the time.

I'll talk about Dark Fury first. I was surprised to find out that it is only 35 minutes long. Quite disappointing to say the least. I doubt I would have actually bought it if I'd have known, and for this reason, I can't recommned anyone buys it, but rather rent it. Having said that, it's pretty damn good. It deals with the event directly after Pitch Black and before The Chronicles of Riddick. Yes, Chronicles is a sequel, and not a prequel, as many people believe it to be. It is done by Peter Chung, the person that did The Animatrix's Matriculated, which I loved. This animated short exudes style, and is a joy to watch. The story is very much in keeping with Pitch Black, as they all keep their personality's, and it takes place on a Merc ship, something which was mentioned at the very end of Pitch Black. I recommend watching it, but as I said, I can't recommend spending your money on it, as 35 minutes doesn't justify it. It's a real shame it wasn't longer, a real shame.

Now we come to The Day After Tomorrow. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Great storyline, great acting, great special effects, great everything. Without giving too much away, it deals with what would happen if we faced the next ice age, brought about by the increase in global warming, and a shift in the ocean currents. It was really well executed, and Dennis Quaid was marvelous in it. Definitely go and see this film if you can. Money well spent.

I caught a trailer for I, Robot staring Will Smith. Okay, what the hell? If that film isn't a blatant rip off of The Matrix's 'The Second Renaissance', then I don't know what is. ¬¬

I also caught a nice long Spiderman 2 trailer. WoW! Can't bloody wait for that one. I'll be queuing up to see it at the end of the month.

Popped into Books Etc on the way home, and they have a buy two get one free offer on, so I picked up three books in 'The No1 Ladies Detective Agency' series. I'm half way through the first one, and so far so good. I'll let you know what I think of them once I've finished them all.

Lastly, I'd just like to say that I have my fingers well and truly crossed for our match against Croatia later this evening. COME ON ENGLAND!!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Euro 2004

The English fans have behaved appallingly yet again. Why is it that the Rugby fans can go anywhere in the world, and act civil, but the football fans have to cause riots and act like complete dickheads? They are a real disgrace to this country. >:(

Luckily, our team made us proud yesterday, by beating Switzerland 3-0. Loosing against France 2-1 in the last 3 minutes was very disappointing, but this win has raised my spirits and hopes. Fingers crossed for the match with Croatia. I'm not a huge football fan, I don't support any club, but when it comes to the European and World Cup, I'm behind England all the way, and watch all the matches, and get very emotional.

Rooney, 18, became the youngest player to score in a European Championship after he guided a header past Joerg Stiel from a Michael Owen cross.

Go Rooney!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I'm such a DVD whore! =/

Bought a few DVD's today. Father's day on Sunday, so I got my husband The Godfather Trilogy. I personally find the films boring, but the soundtrack is awesome. He loves them, so meh. I finally got around to buying Matrix Revolutions. I came out of the cinema extremely disappointed, and told myself I wouldn't buy the DVD, but I've given in. Hopefully I'll like it more the second time around, plus, I wanted to complete my collection. ;)

I ordered Riddick Dark Fury and Invader Zim Vol 1 from The Chronicles of Riddick isn't out over here yet, nor is the Xbox game, so Dark Fury will have to keep me satisfied in the mean time. Invader Zim is something I've been meaning to get for ages. Unfortunately it isn't on over here, and everyone goes on about how good it is, so, I'm looking forward to seeing it.

I also bought Spy Kids 3D for the kids. We took them to the cinema to see it, and they loved it. We hated it and nearly fell asleep, but that's besides the point. Got home, opened it, no 3D glasses. ¬¬ Don't you just hate it when you don't get what you pay for, and you have to go all the way back to the bloody shop?!


Jais pointed me in the direction of the new trailer that is out now. I saw the first trailer, and it didn't do anything for me, which was a shame considering I'm such a huge Aliens and Predator fan. This new trailer is awesome! Check it out. I'm still not totally convinced about the storyline, as it just seems a bit weak, but we'll just have to wait and see. The action looks amazing, and if you watch the featurettes, they should excite you even more. Pretty cool wallpapers too. ;)

It has got me in the mood to play AvP2 again, so I've installed it. If anyone is up for a game, let me know.

So you think you are intelligent eh?

I have to tell you about the book that I have just finished reading a couple of days ago. It is called A Short History of Nearly Everything, and surprisingly enough, the title is very accurate. The book really does cover nearly everything, from the Big Bang to here, being us.

It's a bit heavy going at first, as your brain tries to process all the information, but you soon get into the flow of it, and then it hits you. You think you are quite intelligent, and would get to at least £250,000 if you went on 'Who wants to be a Millionaire', but after reading this book, you realize that you knew very little about a great deal of things.

I highly recommend this book to everyone. Some of the facts are quite mind boggling. You will never look at anything the same way again.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Welcome to my blog!

I have decided to use this little space to tell you about what I'm up to and what I find interesting, and post crap basically. Some of it you may find useful, some of it you will wish you didn't bother to read, but hey, life is a gamble isn't it? ;)

So, welcome to this little peep hole into my world. I hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship. =)