Monday, June 21, 2004

A Good Weekend

It was a good weekend for me. Dark Fury arrived in the post, the kids went off to a birthday party on Saturday for the day, and we took advantage of being alone for the first time in weeks, and went to the cinema. Surprisingly enough, even though I've raved about Troy for the last couple of months, I chose to see The Day After Tomorrow instead. I think it's because of the kind of books I've been reading lately have dealt with how the human race can be wiped out at any second, and I knew The Day After tomorrow dealt with that subject, and I quite simply fancied seeing it at the time.

I'll talk about Dark Fury first. I was surprised to find out that it is only 35 minutes long. Quite disappointing to say the least. I doubt I would have actually bought it if I'd have known, and for this reason, I can't recommned anyone buys it, but rather rent it. Having said that, it's pretty damn good. It deals with the event directly after Pitch Black and before The Chronicles of Riddick. Yes, Chronicles is a sequel, and not a prequel, as many people believe it to be. It is done by Peter Chung, the person that did The Animatrix's Matriculated, which I loved. This animated short exudes style, and is a joy to watch. The story is very much in keeping with Pitch Black, as they all keep their personality's, and it takes place on a Merc ship, something which was mentioned at the very end of Pitch Black. I recommend watching it, but as I said, I can't recommend spending your money on it, as 35 minutes doesn't justify it. It's a real shame it wasn't longer, a real shame.

Now we come to The Day After Tomorrow. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Great storyline, great acting, great special effects, great everything. Without giving too much away, it deals with what would happen if we faced the next ice age, brought about by the increase in global warming, and a shift in the ocean currents. It was really well executed, and Dennis Quaid was marvelous in it. Definitely go and see this film if you can. Money well spent.

I caught a trailer for I, Robot staring Will Smith. Okay, what the hell? If that film isn't a blatant rip off of The Matrix's 'The Second Renaissance', then I don't know what is. ¬¬

I also caught a nice long Spiderman 2 trailer. WoW! Can't bloody wait for that one. I'll be queuing up to see it at the end of the month.

Popped into Books Etc on the way home, and they have a buy two get one free offer on, so I picked up three books in 'The No1 Ladies Detective Agency' series. I'm half way through the first one, and so far so good. I'll let you know what I think of them once I've finished them all.

Lastly, I'd just like to say that I have my fingers well and truly crossed for our match against Croatia later this evening. COME ON ENGLAND!!

1 comment:

Jenel said...

Wasn't Asimov the author that coined the phrase 'robotics'? Yeah, I guess I did jump to conclusions. I know the whole Wachowski's Matrix idea was no way near an original one, so it was silly of me. Still, I am sick and tired of seeing the same rehashed storylines everywhere, even if they are in essence unrelated.